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08-05-2011 02:25 AM

“喝点小酒不碍事,晚上甜蜜更有兴致。”应酬中的丈夫常这样回答妻子传唤回家的电话,到家后也自然少不了一 番柔情蜜意。酒能助性,似乎成为很多男人追求刺激的法宝。

可事实恰恰不是这样,性生活也和开车一样,要想安安全全,健健康康,还真的不能酒后做爱。专家告诉记者,酒 适量喝点确实可以助性,但是喝醉了以后过性生活的话,会让男人很受伤。

醉酒后,大脑意识并不十分清醒,性中枢也处于抑制状态,性欲会因此受到一定程度的影响,勃起状态也不会达到 最佳,盟特新奇特价格。这时就会产生两种心态:一种人是为了产生完美性爱而做爱,相信酒精刺激与性刺激是能完美结合的,从而忽略 了身体状态不佳这个事实,在心理上觉得酒精助了性,盟特新产品,而实际上性生活的质量是非常低下的,长期这样,可能会降低性器官的敏感度,盟特新奇特价格,引起性机能减退。

而另一种人容易把酒精对性生活的影响忽略掉,一味硬来,这个时候伴侣往往会很难受。本来已经要忍受满嘴的酒 气不好爆发,热波炉生产厂家,不想爱人还不考虑自己的感受随意乱来,对双方的感情都会造成伤害。

此外,由于是酒后“作业”,情侣双方的配合恐怕不像平日里那么协调,而此时很多男性又没有平时那么注意,力 度较大,动作幅度也较大,在一些性爱动作进行的过程中就很容易出事故,甚至有人因此而发生生殖 器挫伤。

可见,酒后性爱对男人来说,还真比酒后开车来得危险。无论是为自己还是为伴侣考虑,男性在酒醉以后最好还是 乖乖地依偎在爱人的身边,用浓睡来消消残酒。





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-1934 Liuzhou year - under the rule of a Gui bustling commercial city, \Liujiang contiguous on the vessel, which is behind the rare pictures! -
Liuzhou years
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1977 years - the same year the picture was published in the journal published by the Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao. -
1986 years of Liuzhou - rapid economic development in the country is also in the forefront. -
1987 years of Liuzhou - Industry and Trade or the magnificent \-
1989 Liuzhou year - known as \, Liuzhou city's comprehensive competitiveness in the country ranked 27th in the series, pots East Bridge under construction. -
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Liuzhou years
1996 - U-shaped terrain, not only to bring the world of Liuzhou city of unparalleled scenery, but also to some extent, brought about disasters to Liuzhou! At that time, a national leader once said, \! -
1997 Liuzhou year - to increase state-owned enterprises reform; the establishment of the SASAC; Liuzhou as \Meanwhile, the \\But this is only the workers can return to it? -
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2000 Liuzhou year - a lot of high-rise than a decade ago. -
Liuzhou year
2001 - Ma On Shan on the sun,tennessee titans jerseys, according to doom enveloped the Liuzhou City ... -
it is dawn? Or sunset? ! Liuzhou people's minds clear? ? -
2002 years of Liuzhou - Liuzhou was looking so calm, urban \-
2002 years of Liuzhou night -
2003 Liuzhou year - more than a dozen Green building has not been removed in the city, they and a few yellow with a large construction site, being given a chance to Liuzhou, Liuzhou people so full of hope for the future ! Demolition of buildings are seafarers, red bridge under construction -
2004 Liuzhou year 2002, it is no longer as the night lit -
2005 Liuzhou year - this year, Liuzhou's objectives are: industrial production value of 800 billion! -
2005 year (in January) -
2005 year (March) -
2005 year (August) -
night sunset -
the beautiful city of Liuzhou
Ⅰ -
the beautiful city of Liuzhou
Ⅱ -
the beautiful city of Liuzhou, Ⅲ -
the beautiful city of Liuzhou
IV -
Square Night -
night -
Liuzhou morning -
city area -
East Gate Kok -
the old East Gate tower I-
the old East Gate tower II-
Dalongtan National Scenic Area -
Dalongtan Boasting -
Dalongtan Boasting Ⅱ -
Dalongtan Boasting Ⅲ -
Boasting a large aerial view of the Longtan
Dalongtan Tam corner -
Park Corner -
arrow winding stone Park -
Tianshan small Taoyuan -
Ma On Shan night -
Viaduct -
Wenhui Bridge I-
Wenhui Bridge II-
Wenhui Bridge III-
Wenhui Bridge Night -
Wenhui Bridge Light King -
Wenhui Bridge fireworks view -
Wen Hui Shadowmoon -
VS Liujiang
Wenhui Bridge Road -
Wen Wen Hui-Qiao VS
Bridge I-
Wen Wen Hui-Qiao VS
Bridge II-
red bridge -
Iron Bridge -
corner of the square -
Wen Hui Road, VS, AC Building -
Star Street, downtown -
Star Street, walk
Ginza Department Store -
Liuzhou Industrial -
two-horse business district -
Liujiang twilight -
colorful neon brilliance -
downtown night -
the beautiful city of Liuzhou, V -

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