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03-31-2011, 04:08 AM
e might lose her job-the whole long ugly story. Tommy at first didn't believe me; no one could be more charming than Richard over a long week-end, I should imagine. Then he believed me, but it didn't help. Molly suggested he should go down to his father's for the summer in order (as she put it to me) that the glamour should have time to wear off. He went. For six weeks. Country house. Charming conventional wife. Three delightful little girls. Richard at home for week-ends, bringing business guests, etc. The local gentry. Molly's prescription worked like a charm. Tommy announced that 'week-ends were long enough.' She was delighted. But too soon. Today's quarrel like a scene from a play. He came in, ostensibly on the grounds that he had to decide about his National Service: he was clearly expecting Molly to say he should be a conscientious objector. Molly would, of course, like him to be; but said it was his decision. He began by arguing that he should do his National Service. This became an attack on her way of life, her politics jordan 13 (http://www.nikejordanheelsforwomen.com/), her friends-everything she is. There they sat l v shoe (http://www.louisvuittonoutlethotsale.com/), on either side of the kitchen table, Tommy's dark obstinate muzzled face pointed at her, she sitting all loose and at ease louboutin outlet london (http://www.christianlouboutinsaleoutlets.com), half her attention on the food cooking for lunch, cyilai:nike heels for women (http://www.nikehighheelsforwomen.com)

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03-31-2011, 04:12 AM
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141211 2010 年 12 月 17 日 23:16 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
The world's shortest mantra is the name of a person
touching songs and touching story

as he spoil her as a child, let her work, but would not let her do a little housework. He said to her: I just want you happy, do not let you taste a little bitter, and so long that you are happy to twenty years old, I'll marry you and support you continue to spoil you forever.

He is a sales manager, every day, endless work, but also a number of endless money. He would give her custody of money, he was her disposal, as long as she wanted, he would give her. She is pretty satisfied to stay at home all day, from morning to night have been watching Korean dramas, the plot will be happy to dance inside, and cried very tough battle. Her like a princess to be protected and loved, and she need not worry about food and clothing, household servants Wang Mah always ready for her the most exquisite food. Cruel world of competition and when she know where. The hardships and tribulations of life, and she did not understand. Whenever he was frustrated at work, no matter how painful, he will not tell her,生命中的那盏灯 - Qzone日志 (http://www.chang-yang.com.tw/viewthread.php?tid=2555501&pid=2262607&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid2262607), as long as a home, he would tell her all the good he did not want her any pain, because he loved her, he promised
to pet her life.

Christmas night, she and her servants at home pretty good layout, a towering Christmas tree from the middle of the living room rose to the second floor has been extended, the Christmas tree to hang all sorts of charming little gift. She called him, reminded him back earlier. He said well, he said to give her a surprise. Lele to put on her most beautiful clothes, waiting for her prince return.

middle of the night went to the bell kept ticking away, she had never had anxiety. She wandered back and forth at the door, she suddenly remembered that she saw in the Korean plot: the heroine can not wait for her lover, because the wife dropped her. Thought of this, she suddenly felt very scared, If she never thought one day he left her, how she had? The more thought, the more she felt terrible, the more anxious. So she kept calling his number, but has also not get through.

good night, and Wang Mah and other servants were asleep, she lay on the sofa, eyes glazing at the ceiling, she began to complain that he loved too much, she began to hurry if not his life, how she would have? She therefore afraid of losing him is like, so he moved a number of non-stop, stop the flow of tears, a good fuzzy good fuzzy front door with the key ... ... the sound, she put down the hold in the hands of the pillow, like a child to red door. Open the door he saw her holding him Lele, according to his body, has been constantly crying. He said: Baby, I'm sorry, I is not coming back? Do not cry, you can not cry, you cry I will feel bad, okay? Deeply buried her face in his neck, so warm, so warm. She said: Today I am twenty years old, you promised to marry me this day. He lifted her head slightly, with his nose gently touched her nose. He nodded and said yes. She smiled, collected into the face trying to kiss him, but felt he slowly backward, slowly go far, far away ... ... she was surprised and shoved to sit up from the sofa, I realized that I did a dream. This time, the sky is slightly washed out, and she opened the door, tears pouring again.

she was six o'clock in the morning received a phone call, knowing the news of his accident. She rushed to the hospital, he was still the emergency room. Police said: Sorry, we are only to contact you. Lee is one o'clock in the new South Road car crash. He and a truck collided with his speed opened too soon. She squatted on the white corner, bow my head, not saying a word, nor crying. Silently: He promised to marry me, today is my birthday, he promised to marry me, he will not leave me, he promises, how he can go against it?

about half an hour, the doctor came out from the emergency room, she immediately rushed forward. The doctor said: a head hit the patient may be a vegetable.

She stayed beside him, guarding him. She scraped his oxygen mask across the nose and gently said: My husband, you can not leave me, you know? No matter such as how long I will wait for you wake up,Small fragments of life husband and wife (reposted) - Qzone log (http://www.1-1cav.org/forum/index.php?topic=4199.msg32546#msg32546), you hear that? " she dismissed Wang Mah and other servants, the house sold out, took all their savings, most of the victims to the other, because the primary responsibility for the accident was the last judge in his body.

she began to learn to live, learn to make money, to pay expensive medical fees.

get her first job, is a restaurant. She was always stupid, wrong side dishes or meals will seats, or it will break the glass. Thus, less than a month, the boss would dismiss her.
she walked the streets in a hurry, feeling he was a baby abandoned in this huge world, a look of loss. She would hide in the dark and wept, she would kneel beg doctors to give her the time, lobbied for medical expenses.

she would not cry in front of him, she sat beside him, obediently rubbed his body, baby to say: her husband, today I learned what a dish, Wang Mah praise me badly, we are all waiting for you to wake up, back to our home. No withdrawal of the Christmas tree at home, everything is still the original, they are taking care of me, but I really want you to wake up, you will wake up, right? The hospital the last week of her period, she began to feel dry the tears continue to find new work.

Soon after, she came to this place, met for a mom to all who called her. Look Mommy

another look, Lele said: really is a juicy girl, one word: soft! She glanced around

, left hand holding the bag, she asked: What is it in the end work?

so Mommy and women who wear it around her throat a few laughs. A woman stepped forward, hand on her shoulder Da said to her: little sister, also work? Called POP Counter, POP Counter understand? Is to dig a man's pockets, is happy to accompany men to the men here are rich, respectable, right, as long as they are happy, we can happy, until his pockets on our bag, get it?

her Sidongfeidong nod. Hand clothes in the locker room did not spent a long time out. Knock on the door side edge Mommy cried, she opened the door, revealing only point of crack in the door, on the Mommy said: these clothes, these clothes are all topless.

Mummy an open the door, she cried out: Missy, you like Lucy, this man also see a p you? What are you looking at making any money? , The Mummy to introduce you a good idea.

she accompanied the first visitors when the sheets dipped in blood, and she wrapped themselves with bed sheets, like a a wounded cat, atrophy in the corner, crooning softly. Guests did not show the slightest sympathy Shuaixia money despise Road: for the money, so small to sell out, or a virgin. Really cheap!

this money did come quickly, she lobbied for a less then five days, hospital costs, she will face light on him. She took his hand and kissed, and my heart quietly said to him: Why, you do not tell me girls how to become a woman, why do not you touch me in the past? She endured the tears, raised his head, took a deep breath and said to him: her husband, Wang Mah today get my favorite shrimp. You should be quick to wake up, or I will incense you, oh. She now knows how to please a man discussion, she learned to tease, but also learned ambiguous. She has countless number of men to accompany her, she has not washed her with the black trace.

this here today a lot of money very Diao full of guests, the entertainment city is willing to accompany him without a miss. She asked Mummy: with him one night, you really have five thousand? Mommy says: There is only the beginning ... ... She then stepped forward and accosted the man. Very drunk man to drink, but a great effort, beyond the control of her resistance, he mercilessly dragged into her room.

men like mad Side, tied her hands and feet, let her move. She endured his vent, she will head buried in the pillow, tears keep running, keep running, she whispered: My husband, I miss you, my husband, I'm sorry, my husband, I think you ... ... ;

man stopped to vent, forced the Niuguo her face, and firmly said: slut, do you have installed purely ? You whispered to my face tell you man, ah? The man sat up in bed, out of the belt on the pants, brutally beat her, she set teeth, tears no longer flow, and if this exchange of money, if we make him well, she is willing, yes. She kept saying to myself, and forbearance, will be good, there will be a good day.

day day by day passed, and she was the same as usual, the day came to him for his massage, make up with him her happy day. She went to the ############ night to accompany all manner of men, Let them be happy, so happy that they can be handed the money in the pockets of her hand. She earned a lot of money, she removed his drugs, will buy back the house they lived before, turn the money left for him to do a card in the bank.

Then, after several days to Christmas. She took leave of absence to the mom, this year's birthday, she had with him. He washed her body, took his hand and said to him: her husband, all year, you get to the heart, let me alone forever? Cold, and these days more and more cold, I do a lot a lot a long frostbite, but you do not help me rub, is not talking to you, you know? I say good to pets, how can you bear to let my pain? Her husband,当他人再问你为甚么不谈爱情的时间,让他听听这首歌 - Qzone日记 (http://fcxx.jdjy.cn/blog/Main_BlogShow.asp?Id=112829), you just could not be responsible, you have liquidated a year, you know what day it is it? Today is Christmas, is my birthday, I have the twenty-first, but you do not marry me, my husband and I had not happy, is not happy, you know? Why did you lie to me? How do you have the heart to lie to me?

this year, her first in front of him, and she took his hand, began to cry. Drop by drop tears streaming from her eyes in his hands. Become so blurred her vision blurred ... well ... she saw his hand, and gently, gently move. Then she laughed, she knew she has been dreaming, dreaming of his return as the same as a year ago.

She also heard the soft voice, calling: Baby.

she lifted her head, tears open dry, no more crying, quietly watching him.

Yes, yes, he called her.

severely pinched her own hands.

Yes, yes, this is not a dream.

his weak shouting: Baby, baby ... ... She is happy to respond: My husband, baby in this, her husband, baby in the.

weeks later, he opened his eyes to see her, slightly raising his hand he could feel her little face. He said: Baby, is not is almost ready? Do not cry, okay? So I'm all recovered to marry you, will you?

she said yes. Buried his head in silence.

Several months later, he left the hospital. He lay in bed, want to get up to help her collect her things.

She said: My husband, me, okay? I will pamper you, okay?

he happy to see her in bed juggle the pack, to see her run up and down tired asthma Ha ha. He then laughed at her.

She ran up to him, twisting his nose naughty, scold him not to laugh.

discharge procedures she has run, and she knew he was dressing room, changed clothes will come out good. She went to nurse in front of her, said: help me to him? Finished, the letter will be placed in the hands of nurses hands, looked back at the familiar place, and turned to leave. Left, she closed my eyes and thought it would not cry, can not stop the tears flow.

He picked up her letter, lying on my couch at home, Yiziyizi repeated reading.

husband: You can go home, we planted flowering trees bloom, and incense, a house is fragrant, and I put last year Christmas tree changed, put a new tree, hang all sorts of gifts, all I made it myself. Nice? Well, you go home and see if I get several dishes, all your favorite. And because you are not busy with work and eat those nasty fast food, they will harm my husband's body, if you do not listen to me, I'll be angry. Also, after you drive, you must be very slow very slow, if you like before then, I'll be angry. Also, you are not allowed to stay up late, not allowed to drink coffee, refreshing, you must go to bed on time every day, must drink a glass of milk before bedtime, like me, you tube as in the past to manage yourself. Otherwise, I'll be angry, and, the doctor said, you recovered now though, but still have to take medicine, not sloppy, you know? Otherwise, I'll be angry ... ... you still will not want me angry, right?

This is a bank card, the password is the baby's birthday, you remember the day? You have to make reasonable arrangements, did not find a job in the prior can not be used indiscriminately, oh.

husband, my husband, really sorry, really sorry, baby want to leave you, baby must leave you. Because you no longer qualify spoil my life, really love you baby, just like you love me. Will be reborn it? Next life, we will meet again it? Can you promise me that my next life, for me to support you, right? Her husband, the last time, say to you: I love you, really love you baby!