View Full Version : 台湾钉子户房屋被拆只剩门柱仍不肯搬迁(图)

03-30-2011, 10:14 AM
  中国台湾网10月16日消息 据台湾《联合报》报道,谁是台湾最牛的钉子户?彰化县员林镇山脚路二段12号,应该可以上榜。

  据报道,该户因道路拓宽,建物99%都被拆光,只剩门柱“屹立”在新旧道路中间细长的畸零地上,成了街 头奇景。

  相关单位认为影响市容、道安,有意征收,但屋主拒绝。2年了,门口还保存“员林镇振兴里山脚路二段12 号”的门牌。

  员林镇公所承办员郑振三表示,山脚路属八卦山风景区特定区都市计划范围,山脚路二段都市计划外道路,当 局依法只能针对公共设施用地办理征收,才会出现这种现象。

  员林镇振兴里山脚路二段,监听器是真假 (http://www.qie533.com),是沿八卦山麓南北向、斜弯的既有道路,只有8米宽,沿路住户密集,有中州 技术学院、大庆商工、青山小学及台76东西向快速道路交流道,是车辆流量很大的路口。

  员林镇公所前年争取到2500万(新台币,下同)预算,办理山脚路二段截弯取直拓宽工程,去年4月底完 工通车,没想到却留下这幅奇景。

  附近民众表示,每到上午、黄昏交通尖峰时段,这处路口就陷入交通混乱,他们多次反映,驾驶人也抱怨不已 ,镇长吴宗宪和地方人士多次与屋主沟通,屋主始终不改初衷,就是不肯点头。

  郑振三表示,屋主表明征收要“合理的价格”,但当局征地,只能用公告现值加40%,与屋主的“合理”价 格相差很大,谈不拢。(中国台湾网 孙金诚)

03-30-2011, 10:52 AM
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142781 2010 年 06 月 09 日 12:46 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (14) Category: Personal Diary

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always thought that paid off, but I wonder if this is completely nonsense.
Perhaps this is one of the biggest in my life against it, so I can withstand, in addition to other weak cry, I really do not know how to do, really.
my math dropped from the usual 80 points, 130 points, the rationale for comprehensive from the usual 260 points fell 200 points are connected to the danger, I even not as good as last year's exam, every door is the exam two years the worst one, all my dreams as nonsense, I will destroy all out to really test out the sentence, will have a big disappointment.
examination 2 days completely outside the state, after the poor math and science comprehensive exam in English did not even mind, the simple reason that I actually fully how to do can not do this, I also found the quality of how bad my heart I saw how weak I was.
I'm sorry I
efforts this year, I'm sorry I ate the years by the sins of bitterness,We are OUT of the 2010 classic quotes - Qzone log (http://b2beyond.com/pg/blog/m8fnv4jj3sg/read/742505/we-are-out-of-the-2010-classic-quotes-qzone-log), full of confidence last year, a decision I'm sorry, but I'm sorry for all the hopes and their hearts, and I was a total failure persons.
the way I do not know how to go next, I do not know of myself and others how to promise to be realized. I deeply felt the meaning of despair, I wish today is 2012.
Perhaps no man has a real ordeal,Very useful, they have a computer Bukanhouhui life (http://www.gore-tex.com.hk/club/user_blog.php), after a painful price to pay to grow up before, Maybe.
I really Tingbu Zhu, I want to escape for a while, I want to stay quiet while a person. Good brothers, I want you to be able to see this post, I hope you all do not come to me, and I thank you with my heart,CCTV Zaibao (http://www.blueholler.com/pg/blog/g7sh6jf1bf/read/201416/cctv-zaibao), still thinking of me, but now I want you to feel what is able to understand and appreciate.
Today I saw another
himself, one was struck down by their own failure, a despair, of their own weakness, I hope I can always remember this today myself.
; ; ; ; 2010.6.9
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Remember, a great insult.
always remember! I will revenge!
; ; ; ; ; 2010.7.2
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