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05-08-2011, 05:02 PM
  is free of anger.
  Who conquers his enemy
  is free of encounter.
  Who wins over others
  is free of arrogance.
  Such is integrity with no contention.
  Such is finding advantage in others.
  Such is meeting with heaven,
  long since the ultimate.
  Strategists say:
  "Rather play the guest than dare to host."
  "Rather retreat a foot than advance an inch."
  Advance without armies.
  Ward off without arms.
  Cast out without confronting.
  Pursue without weapons.
  No misfortune is greater
  than mistaking a worthy opponent.
  Not thinking your opponent worthy,
  you sacrifice your touchstone.
  When well matched forces meet,
  who sees the loss will win.
  These words?br> How easily understood,coach purses (http://www.coachoutlet2012.com/coach-purses-c-13.html)!
  How easily put in practice!
  Yet no one understands them.
  No one puts them to good use.
  Words have history,
  works authority.
  Who know the Way, how few.
  Who follow, how esteemed.
  Who has integrity,
  on his shoulders find coarse fabric,coach outlet store (http://www.coachoutlet2012.com),
  in his bosom a precious gem.
  Know well what you know not.
  Unlearn what ill you know.
  Wellness here, defect there.
  A wise man frees himself from defects
  by regarding defects as defects.
  When no one fears the awesome,
  then how great it will appear.
  Set no limit on their homes.
  Lay no burden on their work.
  Without duress, they never weary of you.
  The person of integrity
  knows himself, yet does not show himself.
  He fills himself, yet is not full of himself.
  He releases what is without
  for what is within.
  Who dares and fears not,coach outlet online store (http://www.coachoutlet2012.com), encounters death.
  Who fears and dares not, is bound with life.
  In each a deficit, in each an asset.
  What heaven decries,
  who knows why?
  The Way of heaven
  contends not yet conquers well,
  speaks not yet evokes response,
  summons not yet draws all near,
  bustles not yet meets its purpose.
  Heaven casts
  a net that's vast,
  and though its mesh is far from