View Full Version : 母亲儿子双双公证婚前财产

05-06-2011, 12:14 PM
  母亲和儿子都要结婚了,他们不约而同地带上自己的另一半,到公证处进行婚前财产公证。这新鲜事就发生在 蜀都公证处,母亲属再婚,儿子是“80后”。母亲说选择婚前财产公证,是避免以后为财产问题发 生纠纷。

  昨日,记者从成都各大公证处了解到,今年以来中老年再婚夫妻成为婚前财产公证的“主力军”,所占比重超 过其他各种婚前财产公证。

  青羊区的彭女士年过五旬,离婚近10年。她准备和同样离异有一个独生子女的方先生(化名)结婚。巧的是 ,彭女士的儿子也准备在年内完婚。母亲、儿子先后在蜀都公证处办理了财产公证,公证的项目都是房产。儿子与 准儿媳办理的是在外地的一套“婚房”,公证为归男方所有。彭女士则对自己在成都市内的一套房产进行公证,公 证属于她的婚前财产。

  “是我提出进行公证的。”彭女士说,其实方先生有两套房产,面积也比自己的大。这次坚持做财产公证,正 是从双方是再婚家庭的复杂性进行考量的。“我们都有子女,会涉及财产分配等问题,免得日后各自子女在这些方 面发生纠纷,先进行财产公证最合适,dylan george jeans (http://www.jeanseshop.com)。”她说,这其实更利于促进新家庭的和睦,并保障中老年人的婚姻自 由。

  年近60岁的潘女士和李先生财产公证的项目更为细致。两人都各自经营着公司。2006年经人介绍结婚, 婚后却一直因财产问题发生争执,去年7月离婚。分开后,两人却念念不忘,准备复婚。复婚前为了避免重蹈覆辙 ,他们对各自财产进行了公证。

  除了房产,他们还约定各自经营的公司收入、债权、债务、经营风险由自己承担。对家庭日常开支也公证实行 AA制。

  记者从成都各大公证处了解到,今年来中老年再婚夫妻成为婚前财产公证的“主力军”,数量增加迅速,所占 比重首次超过了其他各种婚前财产公证。四川省成都市蜀都公证处的统计数据显示,去年再婚婚前财产公证仅32 件,占婚前财产公证数量的约1/4。而今年1月份至今已做了46件再婚婚前财产公证,占总比近50%。公证的项目多为房产、汽车等大宗物品 。

  本报记者 董馨

05-06-2011, 01:43 PM
(Reporter Xiong Linhui correspondent Xiaoyu Jiao Tu intern ) who lives in Castle Peak Lu Jie Liu Hongwei dad is 76, two months ago , when he was playing mahjong sudden stroke coma , regained consciousness after emergency treatment within the original stiff His temperament changed dramatically even like to stick like a child who , like a baby . After rehabilitation, back to the hospital yesterday, Liu daddy review ,tory burch wedge (http://www.toryburchuksale.com/tory-burch-wedge-c-12.html), the nature of its mutation has basically returned to normal.

his wife Zhang Liu dad recalls her mother , after lunch the day before two months , Liu and several old friends dad as usual in the area under the shade playing cards . Less than a quarter of an hour , Zhang mother she heard someone shouting :

by the timely rescue , Liu daddy to save their lives ,tory burch wedges (http://www.toryburchuksale.com/tory-burch-wedge-c-12.html), to wake up later, he suddenly like a changed man . Zhang said her mother ,tory burch flip flop (http://www.toryburchuksale.com/tory-burch-flipflops-c-5.html), married 50 years,tory burch flats (http://www.toryburchuksale.com/tory-burch-flat-shoes-c-8.html), his wife has always cherish the words, say a few words from even very little smile ; but now her husband all day long stick , and inclined to coquetry. Sometimes her mother goes on a shopping Zhang , Liu touch before leaving dad 's head to comfort him: Like playing with blocks, see the community there are children playing with him Coushang . Liu dad himself said he was pleased when dancing ,tory burch sales (http://www.toryburchuksale.com/), sad to break off his mouth , always involuntarily as a child express feelings.

Director,tory burch online (http://www.toryburchuksale.com/), Department of Neurology, Wang introduced the hospital , the old man suddenly Do the same thing with the children .