View Full Version : Weight of 300 pounds of advanced maternal age birt

05-02-2011, 08:40 AM
Zhongguang Wang Kwong June 11 (Xinhuanet Shao Yi- Cheng Su Li Su Kunming reporter Liu Guang Taiwan ) yesterday ( June 11 ), Sichuan Guang'an Linshui County ,Prada Sunglasses (http://www.popsunglassesonline.com), a Next , after weighing 11.4 pounds of fat boy safe discharge , maternal weight, the hospital records were broken . After returning home, mother and son became a local celebrity , and many neighbors wonder devoted to his home run , said , Overweight pregnant women living in rural Linshui County , surnamed Li , 37 years old, weighed 300 pounds before delivery . June 11 , Ms. Lee 's husband, Zhu full introduction, he and Lee first met ,RayBan Sunglasses (http://www.popsunglassesonline.com), she is not fat. After they married,Oakley Sunglasses (http://www.popsunglassesonline.com), due to the rural life,Oakley Sunglasses (http://www.popsunglassesonline.com), the wife usually work in the fields every few days , eat three bowls of rice every meal , and slowly the longer the body fat, body weight increased to 180 kg.

introduced , according to Zhang Jianhua, director of obstetrics , as Ms. Lee for cesarean section , her assistant to 6 people, double the number than usual . After birth , the hospital weighing decentralized way and then aggregated only learned of Lee 's weight before delivery of 300 kg. Ms. Lee , after a successful birth weight of 238 kg.

According to doctors, more than 8 kg weight infants is generally regarded as overweight, and premature birth , like children , will enter warmers度过危险期.

doctors advise for pregnant women, hypertension, fatty liver, diabetes is easy to patronize , as pregnancy complications. Overweight pregnant women usually have some combination symptoms. Large compared to infants and babies the same age ,Red Bull Hats (http://www.capsvip.com), slow growth , increasing age may also have other problems , the need to strengthen medical and health check the baby .