View Full Version : 歹徒抢劫废品站老板后将其活活烧死获死刑

04-29-2011, 11:00 PM
  为了谋财,宋锦祥邀来不知情的数名同伙,对一废品收购站老板实施殴打、逼问出其银行卡密码后,竟残忍地 将其活活烧死在面包车内。10月20日,宋锦祥一审被判处死刑。


  2009年12月23日凌晨3时30分许,位于来安县附近的宁洛高速出口处有一辆面包车着火,骇人听闻 的是,车内有一具被烧得面目全非的尸体。

  警方迅速查明车主信息,出事的面包车隶属滁州市民刘松(化名)。据刘松家人反映,22日下午,刘松开车 外出后与家人失去联系,其子当天沿途寻找,在明光市张八岭镇附近发现父亲的面包车,但驾驶人是一名陌生人, 没等他上前问清楚,陌生人驾车逃离。

  根据监控,警方迅速锁定犯罪嫌疑人。2009年12月28日,警方在滁州火车站将犯罪嫌疑人宋锦祥抓获 。据了解, 宋锦祥今年31岁,滁州市琅琊区人,对犯罪事实供认不讳。


  据宋锦祥交待,他因购买塑料桶,结识从事废品收购的刘松,后由于自己好逸恶劳欠下大量债务,为了“脱贫 ”,经过深思熟虑后,Louis Vuitton Travel Bags (www.louisvuittonbags4.com/louis-vuitton-travel-bags-c-85.html),他将目光落在了小有积蓄的刘松身上。

  2009年12月21日,宋锦祥购买了一张不记名手机卡,并于当天联系刘松,谎称自己是一家化纤厂的主 任,有废旧铁桶及设备需要处理,约其于次日下午2时到滁州市三官加油站“看货”,听说有生意上门,刘松当即 表示同意。

  目标“搞定”后,宋锦祥担心光靠自己一人制服不了刘松,于是,他找到表弟冯某,谎称做生意与他人发生矛 盾,让其找人帮忙教训一下对方,冯某同意了。 2009年12月22日下午2时许,宋锦祥及数名同伙,在滁州三官加油站附近,对开面包车前来赴约的刘松实 施殴打。随后,宋锦祥以带刘松看伤为由,驾驶面包车独自将刘松带走。而几名同伙就这样稀里糊涂地成了杀人焚 尸案的帮凶。

  23日凌晨1时,宋锦祥载着身受重伤的刘松窜至来安县城,从取款机上取走现金2万元,因害怕事情暴露, 他又驾车来到事发地,点燃面包车后离开现场,刘松被活活烧死在车内。


  10月20日下午,滁州市中级人民法院对这起凶案进行一审宣判,宋锦祥犯故意杀人罪,判处死刑,剥夺政 治权利终身;犯抢劫罪,判处有期徒刑十三年,并处罚金五万元;决定执行死刑,剥夺政治权利终身,并处罚金五 万元;其他三名同伙分别被判处刑期不等的有期徒刑,并处以罚款。

  吕昊 本报记者 叶素健

04-29-2011, 11:02 PM
When we as parents advise our children to "go to school, study hard and get a good job," we often do that out of cultural habit. It has always been the right thing to do. When I met Robert, his ideas initially startled me. Having been raised by two fathers, he had been taught to strive for two different goals. His educated dad advised him to work for a corporation. His rich dad advised him to own the corporation. Both life paths required education, but the subjects of study were completely different. His educated dad encouraged Robert to be a smart person. His rich dad encouraged Robert to know how to hire smart people.
Having two dads caused many problems. Robert's real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii. By the time Robert was 16, the threat of "If you don't get good grades, you won't get a good job" had little effect. He already knew his career path was to own corporations, not to work for them. In fact,nfl football jerseys (http://www.nflwholesalejerseys.net), if it had not been for a wise and persistent high school guidance counselor, Robert might not have gone on to college. He admits that. He was eager to start building his assets, but finally agreed that the college education would also be a benefit to him.