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04-26-2011, 12:39 PM
Meanwhile,Sony T99 Black (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1236.html), the files’ release does not mean that Times editor Bill Keller has mended his mutually antagonistic working relationship with WikiLeaks leader Julian Assange. According to the paper,Motorola Droid R2-D2 (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1074.html), the documents “were obtained by the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks last year but provided to The Times by another source.” Still,Apple iPhone 4 32GB white (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/962.html), The Times did reprise its signature,Canon MR-14EX Macro Ring Lite (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1206.html), overly serifed WikiLeaks font for the occasion.
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Among the advice offered to interrogators: a prisoner’s “traveling to Afghanistan for any reason after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 is likely a total fabrication with the true intentions being to support Usama Bin Laden,Apple iPhone 3GS 8GB black (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/965.html),” and certain models of Casio watches could hint at terrorist affiliations,Sony TX1 Silver (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1251.html), as “[t]he Casio was known to be given to the students at al-Qaida bombmaking training courses in Afghanistan,3d走势图 (http://www.178cw.com),” according to one document,Lenovo Ideapad U550 (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1419.html), per The Guardian. The Pentagon lamented the dissemination of the documents as “unfortunate.”

Royal Wedding Watch: No Bouquet Toss for Kate Middleton? Game of Thrones: Veering into ########-Parody Territory At The Bang Bang Club Premiere,Canon S95 (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1221.html), a Pall Is Cast as Photojournalists Remember Tim Hetherington
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The documents also detail the daily strife between detainees and prison officers. According to The Times,Motorola V950 (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1093.html), “detainees on a fairly regular basis were accused by guards of throwing urine and feces,Samsung TL225 (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1332.html),” and others threatened to kill guards,HP G61-632NR (http://www.mygsm777.com/products/1378.html), as well as President Bush.

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