View Full Version : How To Correctly Choose Your First Airsoft Gun

04-26-2011, 03:51 AM
There are few things more thrilling than playing an exciting game with your friends. Sooner or later, we all need some relaxation time, and more and more people are choosing to play with hobbytron airsoft guns to achieve that sense of fun and relaxation. If you aren't familiar with these new toys, they are simply a high tech bb gun, which shoots small orange "bullets," which are designed to not cause any harm. The great thing about these guns is that they are exact replicas of the real world weapons, so you get a great feel for real combat. All without the risks.

Naturally if you want to buy one of these magnificent toys, it helps to do a little research before you go buying. There are many models to choose from and they all have different characteristics. Choosing the right one can give you a great day of fun, while choosing the wrong one can leave you frustrated an disappointed. In this article, I'll help you to choose the right one over the wrong one. That way you'll be able to maximize your fun.

The first thing to consider is the range of your weapon. How many feet, or meters, can it shoot? If you are going to be using your toy for only target practice, then it helps to know how far off your target will be. If you are going to be using it in a simulated combat game with your friends,http://www.healthcareitconsults.com/forum/index.php?topic=1736.msg4623#msg4623, then you'll need to know the basic area of the playing field. Then you can make a better buying decision.

One more thing to think about is how fast you want to shoot, or how fast you want the BBs to go once they leave your gun. This is usually measured in FPS, or feet per second. The higher this rating,http://www.publishingpartners.org/blog.php?user=zhengrijin&blogentry_id=56232, the higher velocity you'll achieve with your gun. Depending on the situation you'll be using your weapon in, you'll need a higher FPS. For example, if you plan on shooting at moving targets, then a higher FPS is definitely preferable. However, if you plan on doing some sniper work,http://christianutube.com/blog.php?user=2d4l0t3z7d&note=106614, or other shooting at targets that aren't moving, then FPS isn't that big of a consideration.

One last consideration is how big you'd like your magazine. The magazine is the container on your gun that holds all the BBs. The bigger your magazine, the more you can shoot without worrying about having to reload. If you are thinking about getting an automatic weapon, then having a large magazine is a definite must. Some weapons,http://www.izzo.org.uk/blog.php?user=boyfriend23&blogentry_id=418555, when set to fully automatic, can empty a magazine rather quicker. So bigger is definitely better in this case. However, if you plan on doing some single shot action, like target shooting or sniper work, then magazine size isn't much of an issue.

After you've made your decisions, you are ready to go out shooting with your friends. Be careful, though. Although these toys are considered relatively safe, you can still put an eye out in you aren't careful. It is absolutely vital that you wear proper safety gear,http://banday.info/MyBee/index.php?do=/anony5684/blog/arthritis-osteoarthritis-and-gout-the-top-three/, most importantly protective eye goggles, whenever you are shooting your gun. That way you can have all the fun you want without worrying about getting hurt.

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