View Full Version : 一天只能吃一个鸡蛋吗?

04-02-2011, 06:19 PM
  一个中等大小的鸡蛋,平均约重50克,能提供蛋白质6克,脂肪5克,热能72千卡,钙23毫克,磷89 毫克,铁1.2毫克,维生素A612国际单位,硫胺素0.07毫克,核黄素0.13毫克,尼克酸0.04毫 克,胆固醇300毫克。若将一个鸡蛋和50克瘦肉来比较,鸡蛋的蛋白质和脂肪的质量比瘦肉好,维生素的含量 也较高,价钱却比瘦肉便宜些,从营养及经济两方面考虑都是吃鸡蛋较合算。
  近年来,由于了解到患动脉粥样硬化和冠心病的人血液里的胆固醇都有增高,所以不少人对胆固醇产生了畏惧 心理,害怕吃蛋黄会造成动脉硬化,因此不敢吃鸡蛋。这种顾虑是不必要的,在正常情况下,胆固醇并不是有害的 东西,它也是人体不可缺少的重要物质,在体内胆固醇不仅是构成细胞的基本材料之一,而且能合成几种重要的激 素,在体内还能转变成维生素D3。
  另一方面,人体血浆里的胆固醇并不都是从食物中来的,它有外源性和内源性两个来源,水宜生 水杯价格表 (http://www.uou88.com)。外源性是来自食物,健尔马足疗机价格 (http://tvgw8.com/a/chanpinzhanshi/20101030/8234.html),所有肉、蛋、动物脂肪都含有胆固醇。估计每天大约吃进500毫克,如果动物性食物吃 得少,还到不了此数。内源性是体内自己合成,每天约合成1.0~1.5克,这远比从食物吃进去的多,所以体 内的胆固醇大部分是身体自制的。在正常情况下,身体有自动调节的能力,即吃进去的胆固醇多,体内合成的数量 就少;吃进去的少,体内合成的就多。此外蛋黄里还含有丰富的卵磷脂,是一种强乳化剂,它可使血液中的胆固醇 和脂肪颗粒变小,并保持悬浮状态,从而妨碍胆固醇和脂肪在血管壁的沉积,透过血管壁为身体组织所利用,不会 增加血浆胆固醇,健尔马足疗机三代 (http://www.huangjinbei.com/a/chanpinzhanshi/20101029/8953.html)。
  美国密苏里州立大学的玛加烈.弗林博士曾组织了一个专门研究“鸡蛋与胆固醇”小组,对116名32~6 2岁的男性进行了为期半年的实验。他们先让受试者连续三个月不吃任何蛋品食物,测定血清胆固醇的含量,然后 每人每日加2个鸡蛋,3个月后再测胆固醇,两次结果相差不明显,说明受试者体内胆固醇的含量不受鸡蛋胆固醇 的影响。而科学家认为一个血胆固醇浓度处于正常范围的老年人,如每天吃两个鸡蛋,其血内胆固醇最多增加2毫 克%,这个很微小的量不会造成动脉粥样硬化,而鸡蛋中的其它营养成分,健尔马足疗机价格 (http://www.huangjinbei.com.cn/a/chanpinzhanshi/20101221/12944.html),却会给人带来更多好处,因此不必害怕吃鸡蛋。当然吃过多的鸡蛋也不好,一是浪费优 质蛋白质,二是蛋白质分解产物会增加肝、肾负担,对身体也不利,玉石床垫 (http://hhd008.com)。而一个代谢正常的人,适当的吃些鸡蛋,例如每天吃1~2个,或一星期吃几次,是对 身体有好处的。

04-02-2011, 06:23 PM
Knowledge Focus: As PCDOS and MSDOS era has been used DOS, DOS use and loyal supporter, I propose: also issued, I have not come! But your answer. Also ..
errors in PCDOS and MSDOS period as has been used DOS, DOS loyal supporter of the use and,

I propose: p> stray little kittens, if you do not put a bunch of knowledge did not understand the issue, I have not come!
but your answer. Too many mistakes, as DOS commands a loyal user - (I still use the DOS command to quickly solve difficult problems under windows!) I seriously protest!
error list:

1. First, the question is
2. As a stand-alone operation of DOS, and more, DOS commands are not good at networking!
check the computer IP settings and the command prompt ipconfig command like much, and can not represent the standard DOS commands,UGG ブーツ 格安 (http://www.leahyugg.com/)!
3. Internal command procedures should not be called strictly speaking, but should be called the instruction!
4.DOS command mode, I think that should be divided into single-step execution and batch execution! Not your man-machine interactive and procedures that work. In fact, all of the DOS can be interactive!
advanced some of the batch commands are needed most human-computer interaction, how can you put it out of the human-computer interaction outside it?
you learn from the textbook, right? Order to use most of the books is to learn it! Needs a long term practical experience, which is probably difficult to learn the reason for DOS!
5. Frequently asked DOS internal commands

should have: cls, dir, cd (CHDIR), md (MDDIR), rd (RDDIR), REN (RENAME), copy, del (DELETE), sys, date, time, etc.

Why do you list only the commands on the file operation? Should contain at least the relevant directory (folder) operation part!
also on the system and the date, time, command, I think you probably do not know, right? You are from primary materials in the book?

knowledge points: DOS English Disk Operation System (short for disk operating system), version number, such as MSdos, PCDOS so commonly used is the MSDOS (Microsoft DOS)!
has not yet appeared in the windows when the world is DOS! If I remember correctly, MSDOS version is the ultimate independent MSDOS6.22, and then later DOS7.0 These are windows

inner tube, that is, in the command prompt window in DOS! (* Command Prompt *) - the standard answer!
in the DOS environment, we can not see the desktop and icons, but the computer screen

I used to like the command prompt, change colors, and put the date and time! The whole monotonous screen decorated colorful!
Tip: If you forget / remember the usage of a command, type command /? To see

example, I want to see how to modify the command prompt, I can type color and style *)

good to me endlessly talking about DOS! End here! (Typing too exhausted!)
luck! Good lucky! ^_^
is DOS

MSDOS as the period in PCDOS and has been using DOS, DOS loyal supporter of the use and,

I propose :